Sunday, December 17, 2006

Potty Training

Decided to start trying to potty train Alyssa again. So, I went to Walmart and we let her pick out her own potty. She picked a Dora the Explorer one. Well... she loves to sit on that thing. It has not even been a week, and she tells me all the time when she has to TEE... that is pee in Alyssa language. Mommy tee, mommy tee. she of course tells me this even when she doesn't have to but, just in case, off we go. I have never see a baby pee so much in my life! At least fifteen time today, for real and then four accidents. That is not including when I put her down for a nap and forgot to put a pull up on her. My bad on that one.
Anyways, she is doing wonderfully. No she just has to realize that she doesn't have to sit on the potty every time she has to fart!!!! :)

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