Saturday, October 21, 2006


What a morning! It started pretty good at seven thirty with the dog coming to wake me up. Alyssa slept from eight to eight which was great. Thomas had hockey at eight forty-five, andso off we were. I decided to take the van and let Mike take the car and than trade when he took Micah to Canning. Turns out, Thomas' practice was in Kingston. This I found out after taking him to Greenwood. Call Mike he says its in Kingston( would have been nice to know beforehand). AND HIS PRACTICE IS TWO HOURS LONG!!!! So cold.
ANyhow, Mike comes to take the van, and is gone for about five minutes before I realize he did not pass me the keys to the car. Can I just say that it is a good thing I am friendly and know quite a few people. One man drove us home, while another lady loaned us her car seat for Alyssa. Because who knows where the extra set of car keys are. Not me.
Morale of the story. If you want something done right, get up earlier, plan ahead, and don't ever trust your husband to give you all the info or the keys.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey there! I just found your blog. I'll be checking in on you from now on. :) I have to check it to know what's going on, I just found out that you and all the kids were really sick in Sept!!! I didn't have a clue, you always looked great.