Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Well, so far it has been a beautiful day. I have done four loads of laundry and hung them all out to dry. the last two loads should be done by the time we are home from baseball.
I only had the two girls today, and of course my own, so it was pretty queit in the house today. The boys went swimming at a friends house and Alyssa and Jenna napped. Ah... the peace.
Now of f to the ball field for a game between the peewees and us. Should be interesting. Thomas is playing again so he is happy. But I do lose my Alyssa chaser. Ah, well, I am the mother!!:)
I think that I should coach next year and Mike should have to chase her. He will see why I am so tired at the end of a ball game. No sittin around for me.
Back to the beautiful day. Love the sunshine and cooler temps.


Kim said...

Today was a major laundry day here, too! I love my clothesline!

Kinza said...

me too, it;s a great feeling of accompishment to have them out there.
Ps hate the power bill when I can't hang them out!